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What is cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix?
  • Cervical cancer is also known as cancer of the cervix and occurs when the cells in women’s cervix become malignant or cancerous.

What are the types of cervical cancer?
  • There are three major types of cervical cancer,
  • 1. Squamous cell carcinoma - It is found in the lining of the cervix and is the most common type of cervical cancer as it is found in 90% of the cases.
  • 2. Adenocarcinoma - It is found in the mucosal cells in the cervix.
  • 3. Mixed carcinoma - It has the features of both Squamous cell carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma.

What are the stages of cervical cancer?
  • There are 4 stages in cervical cancer,
  • •Stage 1: Cancer has spread from the cervix lining into deeper tissue, but it has only been found in the uterus. It hasn't spread to the rest of the body and the tumor is less than 5mm in depth.
  • •Stage 2: Cancer has now spread beyond the uterus into the nearby areas - tissues near the cervix or the vagina, but is still confined in the pelvic area and has not spread to other parts of the body. The tumor has grown bigger in this stage as it is almost up to 5 mm or more in-depth but is confined to the cervix and no distant spread is seen. The tumor is around 4 cm or more in width at this stage and could reach to the parametrial area but not the pelvic wall.
  • •Stage 3: Now the tumor has spread to the lower third of the vagina and may have spread to the vaginal wall and kidney swelling is seen and involves small lymph nodes.
  • •Stage 4: Cancer has spread to the rectum or the bladder and may have spread to other parts of the body too.

Cervical cancer Treatment / Frequently Asked Questions

What can cause cervical cancer in women?
  • Cervical cancer starts when there are unusual changes in the tissue found in the cervical region. The major causes of cervical cancer are,
  • •Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - This is the most common cause.
  • •Birth control pills - Usage of birth control pills for over a long period of time increases chances of cervical cancer.
  • •Weak immune system - People who have HIV or AIDS and have undergone organ transplantation and are using immunosuppressive medications are at higher risk.
  • •Smoking - This increases the risk of cervical cancer and also other types of cancer.
  • •STD - People who have contradicted with syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea are at risk of developing cervical cancer.
  • •Early sex - Having sex before the age of 16 or within one year of period increases the risk of developing cervical cancer.
  • •Too many sexual partners - Having too many sexual partners also increases the risk of developing cervical cancer.
Who is at risk of cervical cancer?
  • Age is the most common risk factor for cervical cancer, women belonging to the following age group are at a risk,
  • •Women who have had sex before the age of 16 or within one year of the beginning of their menstrual cycle.
  • •Women aged between 35 - 44 years are most likely to get it.
  • •Women over 65 years of age.
What are the symptoms which help to identify cervical cancer?
  • In most cases, the symptoms of cervical cancer are not seen until it's far along. Few common symptoms are,
  • •Unusual vaginal discharge (Watery and foul odor).
  • •Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • •Unusual vaginal bleeding after between periods, sexual intercourse, post a pelvic exam, or after menopause.
  • •Unusual and persistent back and/or pelvic pain.
  • •Blood spots between or following periods.
  • •Heavier menstrual bleeding than usual.
  • Once the spread has occurred, the following symptoms can be seen,
  • •Trouble during urination
  • •Kidney failure
  • •Swelling in the lower limbs
  • •Boin pain
  • •Pelvic pain
  • •Lack of appetite
  • •Weight loss
What are the tests required to diagnose cervical cancer?
  • One of the most important ways to diagnose it is the Papanicolaou Test or commonly known as the Pap smear test. Other tests include,
  • •High-risk HPV testing
  • •Biopsy
  • •Colonoscopy
  • •Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) in which an electrified wire loop to collect a tissue sample from the cervix
  • •Conization in which a part of the cervix is removed .
  • •Imaging scans like PET scan, X-rays, MRI, etc
What is the treatment available for cervical cancer?
  • The most common treatment for Cervical cancer includes chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy depending on the stage of cancer one or more of these options may be suggested by your doctor.
How fast can cervical cancer spread?
  • Cervical cancer is one of the most slowly growing cancers, as once the cervical cells start undergoing abnormal changes it may take 10 to 20 years for it to grow into invasive cancer. In most instances, it is seen that women who are in their 20s or 30s start experiencing precancerous changes which generally go undiagnosed, and by the time they are 50 the symptoms start to appear.
What type of surgery happens in cervical cancer? Does it involve lymph node removal?
  • There are various types of surgery for cervical cancer depending on the stage and spread of cancer,
  • For precancers, there are two types of surgery,
  • •Ablation - Here the cervical tissue with abnormal growth is destroyed with the use of a cold temperature probe or laser.
  • •Conization - Here the cervical tissue with abnormal growth is cut and this is a type of excisional surgery
  • For Invasive cervical cancer, there are various types of surgery
  • •Hysterectomy - In this, the uterus is removed either via vaginal, abdominal, robotic-assisted, or laparoscopic surgery.
  • •Trachelectomy - In this procedure, the cervix along with the upper part of the vagina is removed and a “purse-string” stitch is placed inside the uterine cavity. This method lets women treated without affecting their fertility.
  • •Radical hysterectomy - In this procedure, the uterus and the tissues around it, cervix, and upper part of the vagina are removed, and sometimes, lymph nodes are also removed in case cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
  • •Pelvic exenteration - This procedure is specifically done in recurrent cervical cancer cases and almost the same organs are removed as in radical hysterectomy along with pelvic lymph node dissection.
  • Yes, lymph nodes are removed during cervical cancer surgery if the spread has occurred. There are three types of surgery to remove the nearby lymph nodes,
  • •Pelvic lymph node dissection - Cancer from the cervix can spread to the lymph nodes and in this, some of the lymph nodes are removed for testing during trachelectomy or hysterectomy.
  • •Para-aortic lymph node sampling - The lymph nodes present near the aorta is removed during radical hysterectomy for testing and if found cancerous, then chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy is included in the treatment and the surgery may be stopped.
  • •Sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy - In this procedure, only those lymph nodes are removed in which the cancer is likely to spread first and is done via injection of a dye or radioactive substance. This method is preferred as it reduced the side effects of the surgery.
How much time does it take for the surgery in cervical cancer?
  • The surgery for cervical cancer can take around 3 to 5 hours on average without any complications.
  • •Sexuality issues
What are the side effects after the treatment of cervical cancer?
  • Post the treatment for cervical cancer, one may experience a wide range of side effects, some of which are as follows,
  • •Bowel changes
  • •Fatigue and tiredness
  • •Lymphoedema
  • •Changes in bladder movement
  • •Menopause
  • •Heart disease
  • •Osteoporosis
  • •Vaginal changes
  • •Low libido or loss in the desire to have sex
  • •Fertility issues
  • Though, the side effects are many few of these points may help in managing the side effects after the treatment for cervical cancer,
  • •Drink enough water and include peppermint tea or chamomile tea to decrease abdominal pain
  • •Try to reduce or limit the intake of spicy, oily, junk, and greasy foods.
  • •Try walking, yoga, or light aerobics for at least 30 minutes a day when you feel less tired.
  • •Do not put pressure in areas where there is pain.
  • •Include vitamin D and calcium-rich food to avoid or manage the symptoms of osteoporosis.
  • •Try talking to your partner about how you are feeling.
Can Cervical cancer be cured?
  • Yes, cervical cancer is completely curable if diagnosed at an early stage and as it is a very slow progressing cancer, most women live their life cervical cancer-free.
Is cervical cancer recurrent?
  • In nearly 35% of the patients who had invasive cervical cancer, they developed recurrent or persistent disease post-treatment. In case, the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, then the chances of recurrence are very low.
Can you be pregnant if you have cervical cancer?
  • Once diagnosed, you may have to wait for 6 to 12 months before trying to conceive as there is a higher risk of infertility or miscarriage before that.
  • Once, you are treated and your cervical cancer has been completely cured, you can get pregnant, as the studies show that nearly 70 percent of the women get pregnant post it, though some women may need some reproductive assistance.
Is it safe to have sex in cervical cancer?
  • One of the leading causes of cervical cancer is HPV, which is transmitted via sex through - vaginal, oral or anal sex. Therefore, in order to have sex when diagnosed with cervical cancer, one must follow safe sexual practices like - use of condoms or dental dams.
  • Though the use of condoms does not prevent transmission of HPV completely as it can spread through skin-to-skin contact also, it can definitely lower the risk of developing HPV-related cancer.
How much time does it take for the surgery in cervical cancer?
  • The surgery for cervical cancer can take around 3 to 5 hours on average without any complications.
What type of radiation therapy is recommended in cervical cancer?
  • There are two main types of radiation therapy recommended for the treatment of cervical cancer,
  • 1.Brachytherapy - Also known as internal radiation therapy and in this, the radiation source is present either near or in cancer and is only used in cases where the radiation need to travel a short distance and the radiation source is placed in the vagina.
  • 2.External beam radiation - Also known as EBRT and in this the X-ray beams are aimed at cancer, and the process is almost similar to getting an X-ray.
What is the average cost required for the treatment of cervical cancer?
  • Depending on the stage and hospital the cost,
  • •Chemotherapy in India can come up between 1.5 lakhs to 4 lakhs.
  • •Radiotherapy is somewhere between 1.5 lakhs to 3 lakhs
  • •Surgery cost comes up somewhere between 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
How many days stay in the hospital is required after the treatment?
  • Post the cervical cancer surgery, almost 3 days up to a week stay is required and almost 4 to 8 weeks recovery time is needed to heal. There might be some additional stay required in between the radiotherapy and chemotherapy for managing the symptoms or for palliative care.
What is the follow-up treatment done after cervical cancer treatment?
  • Once your cancer is completely cured, it is very essential to keep in touch with your doctor, the follow-up treatment required after cervical cancer treatment includes,
  • •Post the treatment make sure you visit the doctor every 3 to 6 months at least for the first 5 years and then every 6 months post that.
  • •Pap tests are recommended with every visit.
  • •In case the symptoms or signs are seen, then imaging tests should be done.
What are the best hospitals for cervical cancer in India?
  • •Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Delhi
  • •Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • •Gleneagles Global Hospital, Chennai
  • •Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
  • •Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon
  • •Max Institute of Cancer Care, New Delhi
What are the Best Doctors for cervical cancer in India?
  • Dr. Sandeep Batra (Max Hospital, Delhi)
  • Dr. Praveen Kumar Garg (Apollo Hospitals, Delhi)
  • Dr. Sameer Kaul (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi)
  • Dr. Rama Joshi (Fortis Hospital)
What are the steps taken to prevent cervical cancer?
  • Cervical cancer can usually be prevented with regular Pap tests and HPV tests. The other steps one can take to prevent cervical cancer are,
  • •Getting the HPV vaccine
  • •Avoiding numerous sex partners
  • •Practicing safe sex with the use of condoms and dental dams
  • •Not having sex until the age of 16 or till late teens
  • •Avoiding sex with partners who have had multiple sex partners
  • •Avoiding sex with people who have genital warts or show any other symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases
  • •Avoid smoking

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