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Privacy Policy


Privacy Statement

Company's Privacy Policy :

  • This policy explains how you will utilize of your customer's information. This policy covers how Clinico Plus use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
  • Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order and Leveraged for creation of secured Health Record for you and your doctor's use during the consultation. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.
  • All the information provided to Clinico Plus by a user/patient, including sensitive personal information, is voluntary. User/patient has the right to withdraw his/her/its consent at any time, in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy and the terms of use, but please note that withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive.
  • Always use caution when giving out any personally identifiable information about yourself or your family members in use of any Services.
  • Clinico Plus does not control or endorse the content, messages or information found in any Services and, therefore, Clinico Plus specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the Services and any actions resulting from your participation in any Services, and you agree that you waive any claims against Clinico Plus relating to same, and to the extent such waiver may be ineffective, you agree to release any claims against Clinico Plus relating to same.
  • User/patient can access, modify, correct and eliminate the data about him/her/it which has been collected pursuant to his/her/its decision to become a User. If User updates any of his/her/its information, Clinico Plus may keep a copy of the information which User originally provided to Clinico Plus in its archives for uses documented herein. Clinico Plus takes User's rights seriously and encourages User to use them if User deems this to be appropriate.

User's Privacy Policy

  • The Users/patients acknowledge that this privacy policy is part of the terms of use and unconditionally agree that becoming an user of the Website and its Services signifies their assent to this privacy policy. User's visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this policy and terms of use.
  • Clinico Plus may update this privacy policy at any time, with or without advance notice. In the event there are significant changes in the way Clinico Plus treats user/patient's personally identifiable information, Clinico Plus will display a notice on the Website or send users/patients an email, as provided for above.
  • Unless stated otherwise, Clinico Plus's current privacy policy applies to all information that Clinico Plus has about users/patients and their account.
  • Not withstanding the above, Clinico Plus shall not be required to notify the users/patients of any changes made to the privacy policy. If a user/patient uses the Service after notice of changes have been sent to such user/patient or published on the Website, such user/patient hereby provides his/her/its consent to the changed practices.

1.1 General

This section applies to all Users of CLINICO PLUS , “”

– Accordingly, a condition of each User’s use of and access to the Services is their acceptance of the Terms of Use, which also involves acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy. Any User that does not agree with any provisions of the same has the option to discontinue the Services provided by CLINICO PLUS , “”, immediately.

– All the information provided to CLINICO PLUS , “”, by a User, including sensitive personal information, is at will. You understand that CLINICO PLUS , “”, may use certain information of yours, which has been designated as ‘sensitive personal data or information’ under the SPI Rules,

  • a. for providing you the Services,
  • b. for commercial purposes or non- personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes, for
  • c. for sale or transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in non-personally identifiable form to third parties.

1.2 For Registered Users/Visitors/Consumers/Members/End users.

Certain functions of our website require you to register with our website ( and become an account holder / registered user (only for the use of services being provided through the website). This requires you to give us details of your name, address, phone number, valid email address and certain other personal information. You may include other information to personalize your account, such as your gender etc. You acknowledge and agree that information which is publicly available on your account (such as your user name, reviews and comments which you post on our Website) may become publicly available and used by third parties, and we have no obligations to you for any information which you made publicly available.

We use any personal information you provide to identify you as a prospective patient, to process your request for medical services, and to deliver relevant information about you to Providers (Hospitals, Doctors and Medical Tourism Facilitators) and to facilitate consultations with Providers. We may also use your contact details, phone number and email address, to contact you from time to time to update you as to progress in relation to your consultation with a Provider and other matters concerning the service we provide. You consent to us contacting you in this regard. We will not give or sell your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your consent.

End-Users’ personally identifiable information, which they choose to provide on the Website is used to help the End-Users describe/identify themselves. Other information that does not personally identify the End-Users as an individual, is collected by CLINICO PLUS from End-Users (such as, patterns of utilization) and is exclusively owned by CLINICO PLUS & may also use such information in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes, and may sell or otherwise transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates.

In particular, CLINICO PLUS reserves with it the right to use anonymized End-User demographics information and anonymized End-User health information for the following purposes:

  • a. Analyzing software usage patterns for improving product design and utility.
  • b. Analyzing such information for research and development of new technologies.
  • c. Using analysis of such information in other commercial product offerings of CLINICO PLUS
  • d. Sharing analysis of such information with third parties for commercial use.

No individual at CLINICO PLUS will have access to your login credentials. You are requested not to share your login credentials with anyone. CLINICO PLUS has no liability for unauthorized use of your account. If you suspect any malicious activity in your account, you are requested to get in contact with CLINICO PLUS.

Notwithstanding the above, CLINICO PLUS is not responsible for the confidentiality, security or distribution of your personal information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreement with such partners and third parties. Further, CLINICO PLUS shall not be responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties or events that are beyond the reasonable control of CLINICO PLUS including, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.

You also acknowledge and agree that in certain circumstances we may be obliged to disclose personal information that you have provided to us to third parties, for example, in order to conform to any requirements of law or to comply with any legal process, as well as to protect and defend our rights.

1.3 For Registered Providers (Hospitals, Hotels, Travel agents, Doctors, Medical Tourism Facilitators, Agents)

  • i. As part of the registration as well as the application creation and submission process that is available to Providers’ on CLINICO PLUS certain information, including sensitive personal data or information is collected from the Providers.
  • ii. All the statements in this Privacy Policy apply to all Providers, and all Providers are therefore required to read and understand the privacy statements set out herein prior to submitting any sensitive personal data or information to CLINICO PLUS failing which they are required to leave the Services, including the Website immediately.
  • iii. Providers personally identifiable information, which they choose to provide to CLINICO PLUS is used to help the Providers describe and identify themselves. This information as specifically available is exclusively owned by CLINICO PLUS & may use such information for commercial purposes and in an aggregated or non- personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes, and may sell or otherwise transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. CLINICO PLUS , “”, also reserves the right to use information provided by or about the Practitioner for the following purposes:
    • a. Publishing such information on the Website.
    • b. Contacting Providers for offering new products or services.
    • c. Contacting Providers for taking product feedback.
    • d. Analyzing software usage patterns for improving product design and utility.
    • e. Analyzing anonymized practice information including financial, and inventory information for commercial use.
  • iv. CLINICO PLUS , “”, enables the listing of Providers information on its Website. The Providers information listed on Website is displayed when End-Users search for treatments, hospitals, doctors, or facilitators and the Providers’ information listed on Website is used by End-Users to research, compare, consult, inquire, or book an appointment. Any personally identifiable information of the Providers listed on the Website is not generated by CLINICO PLUS.
  • v. Providers information who wish to enlist themselves on the Website, or is collected by CLINICO PLUS , “”, from the public domain. CLINICO PLUS , “”, displays such information on its Website on an as-is basis making no representation or warranty on the accuracy or completeness of the information. CLINICO PLUS , “”, will, however, take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information.

1.4 Access by Minors

If you are aged 18 or under, you should not use this website nor should you provide any personal information to us via the website.

1.5 Change to Privacy Policy

CLINICO PLUS , “”, may update this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without advance notice. If you object to any of the changes to our terms, and you no longer wish to use the Services, you may contact us & TEAM CLINICOPLUS shall deactivate your account. Unless stated otherwise.

CLINICO PLUS , “”, ’s current Privacy Policy applies to all information that CLINICO PLUS , “”, has about You and Your account.

1.6 Consent to This Policy

You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is a part of the Terms of Use of the Website and the other Services, and you agree to abide by the policies. Your using the services in any form will be considered as a consent or approval of being agreed by the privacy policy and terms of use.


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