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What is Knee replacement?
  • Knee replacement is a surgical procedure designed to replace the damaged, painful or poorly functioning Knee with an artificial implant. It’s basically Knee resurfacing.

When should we get the Knee Replacement done?
  • One should consider getting a Knee replacement surgery if or when they experience severe persistent Knee pain or discomfort that interferes your daily activities. Surgery should be opted when the symptoms don’t get better with rest or medication.

What are the various factors leading to Knee replacement?
  • The most common reason for a Knee replacement surgery is ‘Osteoarthritis’ which simply means the cartilage in the joints is lost.

Knee Replacement Treatment / Frequently Asked Questions

What are the complications/risks of Knee replacement?
  • The risks associated with the Knee replacement surgery are very rare (0.5 to 1 %), but one of the most common complications is an infection. Because of that some doctors recommend the patients to have antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent a possible infection.
  • • Deep Vein thrombosis/Blood clot – Your surgeon may recommend a blood thinner for a short period of time
  • • Persistent Pain and Swelling – NSAIDs for pain relief may be prescribed by your doctor post op.
  • • Stiffness – Early mobilization helps
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Knee replacement?
  • Advantages:
  • • Improved function of the joint to alleviate pain
  • • To prevent further damage.
  • • Better quality of life and daily activities.
  • Disadvantages:
  • • Possible complications associated with the surgery like infection.
  • • Stiffness of the joint.
  • • Difficulty in kneeling.
What kind of implants are used?
  • • For Femur, Cobalt Chromium metal is used to replace to cartilage.
  • • For Tibia, High Density Polyethylene (Medical grade plastic) is used.
What are the Best Doctors in India available for Knee replacement?
  • • Dr. Amit Vyas (Fortis Hospitals)
  • • Dr. A Navaladi Shankar (Apollo Hospitals)
  • • Dr. Karan Kukreja, Dr. Hemanth Kalyan (Manipal Hospitals)
  • • Dr. S.K.S Marya (Max Hospitals)
What is the approximate cost for Knee replacement?
  • The Knee replacement procedure has become more affordable in India these days and the cost of the surgery has drastically reduced. On an average the surgery costs around 1.5 Lakhs to 2.3 Lakhs.
How long does it take to recover from a Knee replacement?
  • The rate of recovery is different form each patient as each individual has a different level of strength, pain and functional recovery. Most patients re fairly well recovered in 2 to 3 months after the surgery.
  • An Orthopedic Surgeon recommends a Knee replacement surgery after the individual evaluation. Sometimes it depends on the degree of damage, pain, patients age and disability. The usual ideal age is about 50 to 80 years.
What is the best age to have to Knee replacement?
  • An Orthopedic Surgeon recommends a Knee replacement surgery after the individual evaluation. Sometimes it depends on the degree of damage, pain, patients age and disability. The usual ideal age is about 50 to 80 years.
Number of days to stay in the hospital for Knee Replacement?
  • An average in-patient stay is around 3 to 4 days. It might help to stay in a rehabilitation facility for a few more days to recover faster.
What are the Post and Pre-Surgery precautions?
  • •Pre-Surgery Precautions:
  • It is advised to visit your surgeon 30 days prior to your surgery for a complete physical examination and to get a few tests done. You may also discuss the risk factors associated with the surgery with your doctor.
  • Limit your consumption of alcohol and stop smoking as they will impair the haling after surgery.
  • •Post-Surgery Precautions:
  • Keep the surgical incision clean and dry. Check for any signs of infection.
  • Avoid any high impact activities like running, golfing etc.,
  • Physical Therapy – Early mobilization helps to educe the risk of blood clots and stiffness
  • Do not reset your Knee for a very long period of time
What is the procedure of Knee Replacement?
  • 1. Anesthesia: The procedure takes about an hour and a half in total and it is done under Anesthetic which can be either a general Anesthesia where the patient is asleep or a spinal Anesthesia where the patient can be awake with mild sedation.
  • 2. Incision: An incision of about 8 to 10 inches is given at the front of the Knee to expose the Knee cap. In a minimally invasive surgery, the incision is smaller which is about 4 to 6 inches long.
  • 3. Rotation of the Kneecap: The patella or the Kneecap is rotated outwards to expose the area that needs to undergo the main surgical procedure.
  • 4. Resurfacing the Femur & implantation: The Femur, known as the thigh bone, is resurfaced first. The damaged cartilage and bone are precisely cut and resurfaced for the implant to fit over it. The metal implant is then attached to the end of the Femur using a special cement.
  • 5. Implantation of Tibial component: The damaged bone and cartilaginous part of Tibia is removed and resurfaced. A mental component which is like a tray is made is sit on the resurfaced end of Tibia and a plastic implant is inserted into it. This acts like a cushion for the joint to move freely.
  • 6. Closure of Kneecap: The inner surface of the Kneecap is now levelled, and an additional plastic component is attached to it.
  • 7. Testing the implant: The new Knee is flexed and extended a couple of times by the surgeon to make sure the implant is working well. It is then finally closed with the stiches.
How much pain will I have after the knee replacement surgery?
  • Expect a tolerable and manageable amount of pain for the first to 24 to 72 hours. You may experience localized pain which tends to decline eventually. Call your doctor if you experience severe persistent pain.
Will I need any special equipment?
  • You might need an assistive walking device for your safe recovery after the surgery. A front wheel walker or crutches may help for your stability. Consider installing handles in the bathroom to prevent any accidental falls.
How long will the artificial Knee last?
  • It takes about 20 to 25 years for the Knee implants to eventually wear out.
What is involved with the pre-operative evaluation for total Knee replacement?
  • You will have to undergo simple checkups and tests before surgery to gather as much as info as your doctor needs to give you the finest surgery results. Common tests include:
  • Blood tests such as CBC (Complete Blood Count)
  • Kidney, Liver and Blood sugar tests
  • ECG
  • X-ray of the Knee joint
When can I walk after the Knee replacement? How long for the recovery?
  • It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for you to walk without the support of any walking aid or anyone. However, it may take up to 3 months for complete recovery.
What should you do after the knee replacement Physical therapy or Physiotherapy?
  • To help with complete recovery and to gain full benefits for the surgery you opt to put yourself on a rehabilitation program that incorporates both physical and physiotherapy. These include strength training and gait training.
  • •To regain strength and mobility
  • •For proper flexibility of the new joint and to prevent stiffness
  • •To resume normal activities sooner.
What are the problems associated with Knee implants?
  • •Possibility of dislocation
  • •Stiffness during the first few days
  • •Localized swelling and mild pain
  • •Possibility of an infection
What are the precautions to be taken after Knee replacement?
  • Here are some precautions that you need to take to safeguard your new Knee
  • •Avoid high impact activities like jumping, deep squatting etc.
  • •Keep the incision clean and dry
  • •Avoid longer periods of inactivity
  • •Use walking aids to maintain balance
  • •Do not kneel down
  • •Do not cross your legs and avoid any complicated during the first few days
  • •Do not place any pillow or a padding under your Knee when you lay down
  • •Ask your doctor before going through any dental procedures
What are the best hospitals for Knee replacement in India?
  • Here are a few hospitals listed below that are known to provide best services and a higher success rate.
  • •Global Hospitals, Chennai
  • •BLK Hospitals, Delhi
  • •Fortis Hospitals
  • •Apollo Hospitals
  • •Manipal Hospitals
  • •Max Hospitals
How often will I need to see my doctor after surgery?
  • A surgical follow up should be done at intervals of about 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months. It is wise to reach out to your surgeon for regular check ups and to clear your further questions.
What is minimally invasive Knee replacement?
  • This procedure involves removing the damaged part of the Knee and replacing it with an artificial implant. But unlike traditional open surgery minimally invasive uses small incisions, which means less pain and a quicker recovery.
What is Bilateral (Double) Knee replacement?
  • As the name suggests Bilateral surgery means surgery of both the Knees. The surgery either happens in a sequence or done simultaneously. This means both the Knees are replaced surgically at the same time which helps you save the days of recovery. But note that the eligible candidate should be without any significant medical conditions.
What is the difference between partial and total Knee replacement?
  • •Partial Knee replacement is opted if only one part of the Knee is arthritic or painful. Usually done to the younger patients.
  • •Total Knee replacement surgery is done when the extent of damage is higher or irreparable.
  • •Smaller opening which means recovery is quicker.
  • •Higher range of moment and function when compared to total Knee replacement. But the redo rate is higher than that of total Knee replacement.
What is the Success rate of Knee Replacement?
  • India is known to have a higher success rate of Knee replacements. Approximately 85 to 90 % of all the Knee replacement surgeries performed resulted in a good outcome.
Can Patients use stairs after surgery?
  • After 3 weeks of surgery you should be able to climb stairs. However, you need to use a walking cane or support to maintain stability and to prevent any accidents.
  • •Keep your Knees and feet pointed straight while you sit.
What are the good positions for Knee and what positions should be avoided?
  • Walking:
  • •Take small steps
  • •Use a walker or crutches until 4 weeks
  • Sitting:
  • •Do not sit in the same position for long
  • Sleep:
  • •Lay flat on your back
  • •Do not place a pillow or padding below your Knee

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