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What is prostatectomy?
  • The prostrate gland in men is located at the base of the bladder and wraps around the Urethra. As a part of male reproductive sustem, the Prostrate gland’s primary fuction is to secrete a fluid that forms Semen. Prostatectomy is a surgical procedure in which the prostrate gland, surrounding tissue and the seminal vesicles are removed..

What are the conditions which lead to the removal of prostate?
  • Most often, prostatectomy is done to treat localized Prostrate Cancer. It is the number one cancer that effects men. While nobody really knows how it develops, cetain populations like aged men are at higher risk.Prostatectomy maybe used alone, or in conjunction with radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

Why is prostatectomy done? Indications of prostatectomy?
  • Prostrate Cancer, that's at risk to spread and could cause pain, suffering and death. The surgery offers a chance of complete cure for patients with life-threatening disease.
  • Benign prostratic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an age related enlargement of prostrate that is non-cancerous. Symptoms include slow, interrupted Urinary stream, Urinary urgency and dribbling.

Prostatectomy Treatment / Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of prostatectomy?
  • •Surgical removal which includes a radical prostatectomy with either a retropubic or perinatal approach. This is the surgery to remove the entire prostate gland.
  • •Transurethral resection prostrate or TURP, which involves removal of part of the prostrate gland. It is performed through the Penis with an endoscope.
  • •Laparoscopy surgery, done manually or by robot, is another method of removal of the prostrate gland.
How is prostatectomy done?
  • Different approaches maybe used for the surgery, which includes: Open retropubic approach,Open perineal approach,Open laproscopic approach.
  • •Anesthesia:Your will be given general or spinal or epidural Anesthesia to prevent the sensation of pain and discomfort during the procedure.
  • •Incision:Your surgeon places instruments into your abdominal cavity through a small keyhole Incision or ports.
  • •Dissection and removal:The prostrate gland is dissected from its surrounding structures and is removed through one of the opened ports. Depending on whether the cancer is spread to the surrounding tissues, the surgeon may also remove the seminal vesicles and lymph nodes.
  • •After the closure of the Incision, a catheter will be put into your bladder to keep it drained for the next 1 to 2 weeks. You will then be monitored in a recovery area for a day or two.
What are the Risks/Complications/Side effects of prostatectomy?
  • •Erectile dysfunction:This the condition in which a male fails to get an erection sufficient for sexual penetration. This happens when the nerves are removed during the surgery.
  • •Incontinence: After the surgery, the most common type of Incontinence men will experience is the stress Incontinence which occurs during exercise, cough sneezing and lifting. There are also complaints of urge Incontinence. What happens here is that the sphincter loses some of its closure pressure or tone.
What are the best hospitals for prostatectomy in India?
  • •Apollo hospitals
  • •Fortis hospitals
  • •Global hospital
  • •Medanta hospital
  • •Manipal hospitals
  • •MGM hospitals
  • •Samved urology hospitals
What are the Best Doctors for prostatectomy in India ?
  • •Dr.Rajiv goel
  • •Dr.Gagan gautam
  • •Dr.Mohit Bhatt
  • •Dr.Anant kumar
  • •Dr.Vipin Tyagi
What is the Average cost for simple and radical prostatectomy?
  • After the prostectomy, you may go home the very next day after the procedure. But you may need bed rest for a couple of days after the surgery. Later, you will be encouraged to move around and change positions as much as possible for a quick recovery.
After how long can we start with sexual activities after prostatectomy?
  • While erectile dysfunction is common after prostatectomy, you can regain sexual function after some time. This may vary from several months to 2 years
How long does it take for recovery after prostatectomy?
  • The Incision may prefer sore for 1 to 2 weeks. You can usually return to normal activities with minor restrictions around four weeks. Early walking or small exercises are the keys for fast recovery after the surgery.
How to regain erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery? What are the methods which can help cope with it?
  • Erectile dysfunction can be treated. By making use of the below effective methods, one can get back to enjoy their sexual life:
  • • ED Medication: Your may be prescribed medications like Sildenafil or Vardenafil. These increase the blood flow to the penis.
  • • Surgery: There are various devices that exist which can be implanted into the penis to help with male achieve an erection.
  • • Exercise: Pelvic floor muscle exercises or Kegel exercises after the surgery helps with Urinary control and possibly for the restoration of sexual dysfunction.
What are the benefits of prostatectomy?
  • • A prostatectomy provides long term relief from Urinary symptoms due to an enlarged prostrate which includes painful frequent urination and Urinary Incontinence.
  • • It can also be a life-saving treatment options for men with prostate cancer.

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