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What is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) ?
  • In a healthy person, the blood vessels allow smooth flow of blood to the heart muscles but in patients with Coronary Artery Disease the blood vessels are narrowed by fatty deposits. This results in reduced blood flow to the heart. A Coronary Artery Bypass Graft is performed to increase the circulation to the heart.
  • CABG is done to clear up a blockage or to expand a narrowed Coronary Artery. This results in restoration of blood supply to the heart muscle. Various diseases and conditions include: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) of 50% stenosis or greater Angina Pectoris – Caused due to reduced blood flow to the heart 2 and 3 vessel disease

Why is it done? Mention diseases and conditions.

What causes Coronary Artery Disease?
  • There are few risk factors that contribute to CAD: High level of cholesterol in the blood can contribute to formation plaque in the blood vessels. Hight Blood Pressure – Uncontrolled or Unchecked blood pressure in the long run results in thickening or hardening of the arteries, making t hard for the blood to flow. Diabetes – Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased risk of Coronary Artery Disease. Smoking – Smokers have a significantly high risk of hear diseases. Sedentary lifestyle – Excess weight or Obesity which is a result of a sedentary lifestyle worsens the above risk factors.

CABG Treatment / Frequently Asked Questions

What is Angioplasty?
  • Coronary Angioplasty, also called as Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty is a treatment procedure used to restore the blood flow in the narrowed or blocked Coronary Arteries caused due to plaques or blood clots. A small balloon is led into the interior of the blocked or narrowed zone. This balloon is inflated so that it can unblock or dilate the artery and thus restore the normal blood flow to the heart. To prevent the artery from blocking up again, a fine cylindrical metallic stent is placed inside.
What is Angiography?
  • It is a minimally invasive procedure that allows doctors to detect a narrowed or blocked vessel in the heart. This procedure is carried out either through your wrist or groin. A local anesthetic will be given and a wire in a small soft plastic tube will be then inserted through a blood vessel towards the heart using X-ray guidance. Next a dye will be injected into both the Coronary Arteries to identify a blockage.
What are the risks and complications involved?
  • Infections of the chest wound that may require antibiotics Bleeding after surgery which may require blood transfusion Organ failure from shock. Some people experience renal failure Memory loss which often improves within 6 to 12 months Irregular heart rate or palpitations
Best hospitals for Cardiac disease.
  • Here are a few hospitals listed below that are known to provide best services and a higher success rate. Global Hospitals, Chennai BLK Hospitals, Delhi Fortis Hospitals Apollo Hospitals Manipal Hospitals Max Hospitals
Best Doctors in Indian for Cardiac Diseases.
  • Dr. Ganesh Kumar Mani (Max Hospitals) Dr. Murali Krishna N (Manipal Hospitals) Dr. A K Bardhan, Dr. A Sreenivas Kumar (Apollo Hospitals) Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mittal (Fortis Hospitals) Dr. Subash Chandra (BLK Hospitals)
Advantages of Disadvantages of CABC.
  • Some of the potential benefits of CABG include: A lower risk of stroke Lower death rate – If you have a CAD (Cardiac Artery Disease) your risk of dying without the surgery is much that than with surgery Further injury to the heart can be prevented Fewer irregular heart rhythm There will be a less need for a transfusion Some of the potential risks of CABG include: Bleeding Infection Kidney failure Stroke Pneumonia
Procedure involved in CABG:
  • Incision – Your surgeon begins by making an Incision in the skin over your chest bone or sternum. The chest bone is then cut exposing the heart. Extracting the Graft - A portion of the Saphenous vein is taken from the leg. Pieces of this large vein are used to bypass the blocked Coronary Arteries. Bypass Pump – Throughout the procure your circulatory system will be connected to a Cardia Pulmonary bypass pump or a Heart-Lung machine. The machine temporarily performs the functions of your heart and lungs during the surgery. Harvesting the Graft – Your surgeon will then sew one end of the graft to the aorta and the other end to the narrowed artery just beyond the blockage. Removing Bypass Pump – After the graft is sewed in place, the bypass pump is now removed, and your surgeon will use electrical signals to restore the heartbeat. Suturing - Your surgeon will finally wire the sternum back together and close the skin incisions with sutures.
Number of days stay in the hospital.
  • You may need to stay in the hospital for about 7 to 10 days after having a CABG, so that the doctors and medical staff can closely monitor your recovery.
What is the cost of CABG in India?
  • It ranges between 2 to 4.5 Lakhs.
Is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery an open-heart surgery?
  • Yes. A bypass surgery is basically an open-heart surgery, which means the surgeon cuts the chest open to reach the heart.
What are the tests done before CABG?
  • You may need some routine tests before the procedure to assess your health. These may include: Chest X-ray Electrocardiogram (ECG) Blood test Coronary Angiography Pulmonary function test
Types of CABG.
  • Traditional CABG (or) On-pump CABG – This is performed through a 6 to 8-inch incision and a heart-lung machine is used to take over the work of the heart and lungs during the surgery. This is well proved and widely practiced. Minimally invasive bypass techniques – Off-pump CABG surgery: Some bypass surgeries are performed without the use of a heart-lung machine. The surgeon attaches devices to stabilize a part of heart that is going to be worked on. Medications are given to slow down the heart rate. Small Incision CABG: For this, the heart is accessed through a 3-inch incision between the ribs. This one dramatically reduces the recovery time but not all patients are good candidates for a small incision CABG.
How is minimally invasive CABG different from the Traditional CABG?
  • The traditional type involves the use of a heart lung machine to temporarily perform the function of your heart and lungs during the surgery, allowing your heart to be stopped while the surgeon sews the heart into place. This results in a long recovery time due to a longer incision and for the chest bone to be healed. However, the surgeon performs minimally invasive bypass surgery using specially designed instruments inserted through a small incision in the chest. This does not require a heart lung machine. The procedure was developed to minimize some of the side effects of a traditional CABG like stroke, bleeding and temporary cognitive problems.
What is the success rate of CABG?
  • CABG is one of the most common surgical procedures in India with an overall success rate of about 98%
How long will the incision take to heal and how fast shall be the recovery?
  • It takes 4 to 6 weeks for the incision to completely heal. But it may take several months for the chest bone and your entire body to completely recover.
What are the long-term results after CABG?
  • There is a high freedom from myocardial infarction and death rate due to cardiac arrest is very low. Careful management and treatment of hypertension, diabetes & arrythmias is necessary to improve long-term survival.
Indications and Contraindications on CABG.
  • Indications: Coronary Heart Disease (CAD) Left main Coronary Artery Stenosis One or two vessel diseases Contraindications: Elderly people older than 80 years of age Asymptomatic patients who are at a lower risk of Myocardial Infarction (MI) or death Coronary Arteries incompatible with grafting Diseases of blood
Post and Pre surgery precaution of CABG.
  • Precautions to be taken before the surgery: Get necessary tests done recommended by your surgeon You may need to stop taking certain medication a week before the surgery Avoid alcohol and smoking Use disinfecting solution to clean the skin to prevent infections Ask questions and educate yourself about the surgery Precautions to be taken after the surgery: Avoid lifting heavy weights Chest physiotherapy Restrict consumption of salt up to 3 to 5 grams per day Quit smoking and alcohol consumption Lie on your back during sleep Do not let anyone pull your arm Have regular follow up visits to your surgeon without fail
How long does the patient survive after CABG?
  • After a bypass surgery the survival rate is expected to be anywhere between 10 to 20 years.

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