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Bone Marrow Transplant in India

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Country Price
Image India 5500 - 7000 USD
Image USA 32000-50000 USD
Image UK 26000-37650 USD
Image Thailand 8800-17000 USD
Image Singapore USD
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Bone Marrow Transplant Price 5500 USD
Days in Hospital 3
Days Outside Hospital 7
Surgery Take (In Hours) 1
Sucess Rate 95

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Why is Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Done?
  • BMT is done in case a disease, infection or chemotherapy destroys or damages one’s bone marrow. In the procedure a diseased Bone marrow is replaced with a healthy one. An improper functioning bone marrow can lead to various implications such as Leukemia and Aplastic Anemia.

What is Leukemia?
  • Leukemia is a condition where due to improper functioning of the bone marrow, abnormal white blood cells are created. These abnormal cells cloud the healthy blood cells, leading to the development of cancer in the body of the host. Leukemia is of two types:
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

What is the Difference between AML and CML?
  • While the CML grows slowly in body, people suffering from AML have their cancers develop at a faster rate. In AML the abnormal cells multiply rapidly wherein CML the process is gradual. Most people can live with CML for years.

Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment / Frequently Asked Questions

What Diseases can cure BMT?
  • The following diseases can be cured by the use of Bone Marrow Transplant:
  • Leukemias
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Immune Deficiency Disorders
  • Tumor cancers
  • Lymphomas, etc
What are the conditions which lead to Bone Marrow Transplant?
  • Bone marrow consists of soft tissue type stem cells. These stem cells turn into various blood cells that are necessary for the body to function. Damage to hematopoietic stem cells (mostly caused by chemotherapy) can stop their conversion to different cells and hence can lead to a deficiency of blood cells in the body. It can also lead to creation of other abnormal cells that bring harm to the body. BMT is done when these stem cells are damaged.
What are the different types of Bone Marrow Transplant?
  • There are 3 types of Bone Marrow Transplant:
  • Autologous bone marrow transplant – The stem cells are extracted before a chemotherapy session and implanted back in after.
  • Allogeneic bone marrow transplant – Bone marrow is extracted from a suitable donor and implanted in the patient.
  • Umbilical cord Blood Transplant – A type of allogeneic transplant where the stem cells are extracted from a baby’s umbilical cord right after birth.
What is Bone Marrow Biopsy?
  • The process of extracting and analysing one’s bone marrow is known as Bone Marrow Biopsy. This biopsy includes the collection of stem cells and their examination by trained professionals in a certified pathology lab to ensure that the bone marrow is making healthy blood cells properly.
How to select the donor?
  • Donors are the ones who donate their bone marrow to an individual whose stem cells aren’t functioning properly. For a donor to be a fit match with a patient, their Human Leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue must be of the same type. HLA are proteins that act as a test for proper cell functioning. At a time, there might be several donors with HLA types matching that of the patient. In such a case, the doctor does some additional testing to determine the most compatible donor.
What are the risks and side effects involved in the donation of bone marrow?
  • There are no major risk or painful factors when it comes to extraction or plantation of Bone marrow. Some are discussed below. Risks and side effects faced by the donor:
  • Risks of general anesthesia such as postoperative confusion, pneumonia, stroke etc.
  • Possible damage to bone, nerve or muscle.
  • Sore throat, mild nausea, vomiting.
  • Bruising at the incision site
  • Soreness at the site of extraction.
  • Trouble at walking for a few days
What are the risks involved from an unrelated donor?
  • There can be a few risks involved if the donor is not a good match. This can lead to serious diseases such as Graft host disease.
What are the pre Transplant tests and procedures done?
  • Before a transplant, there are a few tests that the patient needs to attend. These include:
  • Blood tests:
  • these include tissue typing, which checks the compatibility of donor
  • for Checking out for diseases such as hepatitis, HIV etc.
  • for Checking out for proper organ functioning.
  • Chest X-ray: this is done to check if the lungs are in proper conditions or not.
  • CT scan: to get an overview of the patient's body.
  • PET scan: for proper organ functioning.
  • Heart tests
  • Anesthesia compatibility test. Etc
What is the procedure of BMT?
  • The first step is extraction of bone marrow. The stem cells are extracted one or two days before the surgery. They are stored in a frozen state. At the start of the surgery, the patient is subjected to anaesthesia, making him/her to fall asleep throughout the procedure. Bone marrow transplant is similar to blood transfusion.
  • Donor procedure- During extraction, the donor is given a certain amount of shots (Number is donor-dependent) that push new stem cells into the donor’s circulatory system. This displacement allows doctors to extract stem cells from blood directly through an intravenous line.
  • Patient Procedure- A port is installed into the upper chest of the patient. This port is called a central venous catheter and is similar to a needle. It is used to send stem cells, nutrients etc directly to the heart. Once the heart has received the stem cells, it pumps them throughout the body, mixing them properly into the patient’s system. Sometimes the process of sending the plasma through CVC is repeated to get better results, this is referred to as grafting.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of BMT?
  • Bone marrow transplant is the injection of healthy stem cells that replace the damaged ones. Its advantages include proper function of bone marrow and hence prevention from various cancers and other major diseases. Its disadvantages are that it can cause fatigue in the body and a slight pain in your back. Some other disadvantages are mentioned above.
What are the risks and side effects involved in Bone marrow transplant?
  • Some of the side effects are listed below:
  • Graft host disease. This happens only in those undergoing allogeneic transplants.
  • Organ damage during the procedure.
  • Infections at the place of injection.
  • New cancers etc.
  • Careless during the surgery can also lead to DEATH.
Success and survival Rate after BMT?
  • According to some surveys conducted all over the world. About 65% of the patients undergoing BMT survived the very first year after being operated on. This number might seem low but out of the number that survived, more than 90% survived to live the following years.
How long does it take to fully recover from BMT?
  • It takes about 2-6 weeks for the varying blood cell count to stabilize and normalise.
Cost of BMT in India?
  • The starting costs of different types of BMT are mentioned below:
  • Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant – Rs 15,00,000
  • Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant – Rs 25,00,000
What are the best hospitals in India for bone marrow transplant?
  • From a large list of hospitals one can go to for a satisfactory transplant, some are mentioned below:
  • BLK Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi.
  • Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi.
  • Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • Fortis Hospital, Mumbai etc.
Best doctors For BMT?
  • Some of the best BMT doctors in India are :
  • Dr Gaurav Kharya (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital)
  • Dr Rahul Naithani (Max Super Speciality Hospital)
  • Dr Rahul Bhargava (Fortis Hospital)
How many days stay is required in India for the treatment of BMT?
  • Since it takes about 2-6 weeks for the stem cells to completely infuse into the body and to start producing fresh cells, it is suggested for the patient to stay under close care of the doctor for about 2-3 months. This period includes finding a donor, surgery and the engraftment period.
Post operative care required after BMT?
  • Patients should be quick to report any signs of uneasiness or infection to the doctor after the procedure. They should maintain a healthy diet and sleeping schedule so as to maintain good health.
what are precautions taken after BMT?
  • It is important to prevent infections. This can be done by following the guidelines provided by the doctor and taking regular temperatures as fever can be a sign of infection.
Are there any alternative options to BMT?
  • There are a few medicinal methods and other advanced techniques in BMT however their workings don’t have a solid proof yet.

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